Best Website Developers

We have five vital organs that we need to live and the other two we need to see and monitor to keep everything flowing. You may be wondering what this has to do with the best website developers, but it does let me explain.

Wealthy Affiliate has the best website builder platform and learning platform in the world and if you are starting a business well it’s like starting a new life for ourselves, and we have to take steps to make our business and our website come alive.

WordPress our Kidneys

WordPress Themes: this is the back office in our website their are around 10,000 add-ons that we can plugin to our back office helping make things look great and run smoothly. We need this to design and create and run everything, this would be the kidneys.

Hosting our Liver

Hosting, Site Speed and Security, we need these to make our websites run live and security to keep the bad things out and site speed to keep our sites running and loading fast for people to visit them and have a great experience, so this would be our liver.

Website Builder our Lungs

Website Builder, domain name, and theme, The website builder builds a website up and running with the hosting live it brings life to your website. This would be the lungs because it breathes life into our websites and at wealthy affiliate the platform has all of this and the website builder builds your website in thirty seconds.

You pick a domain name that is the name of your business, then pick your theme again they have 4,000 that you can choose from on their platform then you push build website and in thirty seconds your business is up and running live to the world.

Website our Eyes

Website, would be our eyes to keep an eye on everything working properly and to design what our websites look like. Wealthy Affiliate has site support 24/7/365 on their platform to keep everything running properly, if you have any problems with your website they will fix any issues and they get back with you within five minutes.

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SEO our Spine

SEO, Search Engine Optimizations, Jaxxy Tool, at wealthy affiliate they provide us with tools and they teach us how to use the tools to write content for our websites to promote our products and our websites they teach us SEO to bring organic traffic to our sites and when we bring traffic to our sites we get sales and earn income from our sales and it gets our websites ranked in google, and other search engines to get our website out their for people to find and that would be our traffic so this would keep our business flowing and earning and this would be our spine.

Wealthy Affiliate our Hearts

Wealthy Affiliate this is the heart of the operation, they provide us with the website builder, hosting, WordPress Themes, domain Site is free plus one website and theme.

They provide us with a platform for our training and lessons, plus walk-through videos, to train us how to run our websites, put life into them. It teaches us to build a business for life and to produce income helping better our lives.

Wealthy Affiliate community is a community made up of around two million members helping us succeed, they help with questions we need answered and provide us even more knowledge with the training helping keep our businesses thriving. The community provides us with extra training and resources to go to when we need help.

We Are The Brains

We are the Brains, we have to learn the lessons and training that wealthy affiliate provides us with. We have to write content and do keyword searches and apply everything to our websites that we are taught. We have to produce the products that we are going to be promoting and selling and we need to keep our websites functioning properly. If we are going to be affiliate marketers we need to pick the products of other companies we are going to be promoting to make the commissions and earn revenue.

We need to join wealthy affiliate for all of this they offer on the best platform in the world and you can join as a free starter member at no cost what so ever. If you want more businesses and websites ten, you can join as a premium member at a low monthly fee, your first month as a bonus is discounted at $19.00 and after your first month it is $49.00 monthly.

Wealthy Affiliate offers you to earn while you learn, you can sell wealthy affiliate as an affiliate marketer and earn great commissions from referring people to wealthy affiliate and your commissions can add up fast. You could pay your membership this way and actually earn a great living off the commissions from wealthy affiliate that is how great their commissions are.

The platform has everything to properly train you to start your own business from the ground up. Not only train you they teach you how to run a successful business and website step by step, and build your website, also to bring traffic to your website to earn you a nice income to take care of yourself and your family. There is no need to go anywhere else they provide everything to start and build a great business for the rest of your life.

I hope now you see how a business and a website is like our organs we need all of our vital organs to live and it’s like our website and business we need to do these steps to bring our business alive and keep it running for years to come. You should go check wealthy affiliate out and start a great life for yourself as a business owner.

Well my friends I hope you enjoyed this article and please leave a comment at the bottom of this article or if you have any questions I will be happy to answer them again ask me anything and I will get back with you as soon as possible. I know if you want to start your own business wealthy affiliate is the right place for you. Thank you for stopping by my website.

Thank you,

Dorrie H.

Until Next Time


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