How To Create A Website Business

Are you busy trying to find a real place to start a business that is not trying to rip you off and take money from you? Do you really want to know How To Create A Website Business of your very own at no cost and not be scammed in the process?

Well you have come to the right place to make your dreams come true and start your own website business without ever being taken advantage of ever, ever again!

What is so awesome is you can start this literally at no cost, yes all for free, plus you can start earning income while you are building a business and your website and you will be taught step by step how to create a website business and become an entrepreneur. How amazing is that?

I will just go ahead and answer that, it is really freaking amazing and awesome! First off I will tell you the four easy, peasy, steps to build your website and start your own business and then I will run through the training you will receive as a starter member.

Next if you want more I will run through what you will receive as a premium member and that is only if you want more. So without further ado here we go!

Building A Website (So Easy) Four Step Process

One you want to pick a niche and to some up what a niche is it’s something you pick that you are very passionate about because this is going to be your brand and products that your going to be selling and building your website around and it is also going to be along the lines of your domain name as well.

Let’s say I was interested in dogs and that’s what you picked for your niche so your domain name would be something along the lines of pets right, but we are going to get a little more in-depth about your niche real quick. This is going to help you tremendously with getting ahead of your competition when starting your business.

It will give you a head start because I want you to succeed and help you build your dreams. When picking your niche, let’s go with dogs again that is a broad niche when people type in the search engines your going to get thousands of different websites to go to because it’s a broad niche.

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So what you want to do is narrow it down more, for example we are going to narrow it down to dog collars. See right their we cut half the search down, but to even narrow it down more people want to search for a specific dog collar like a lighted dog collar, so now we cut it down even more. When your picking your niche be unique and different and you will get ahead of your competition much further.

Then when they go to your site for that specific item you can also add other dog items on their like dog beds, puppy pads, dog food, dog dishes, and other related dog items and this will provide your customer a one stop shop and you can earn quite a bit more money by doing this, and help solve your customers problem. That way they don’t have to go to other sites they can get everything from yours and that helps your customers out.

Do you see why you need to pick out a specific niche? Like I said earlier make sure you pick something you love to do or something you are passionate about because this is your business and you don’t want to pick something your not very interested in because basically doing that is setting yourself up to fail and that’s not going to happen with you because now you know how to pick and narrow your niche down to succeed.

Alright moving on to step two now. Step one you picked your niche and your domain name for your website. Step two as a free starter member you will receive one WordPress theme, one of the best in this business and did I mention it is free.

Your theme is where you are going to be running everything to your website and business, you will design the look you want, you will create your menus, upload your images for your products and links to your products, this is the heart of your site and it is pretty awesome I would say so myself.

Step three at wealthy affiliate you can join as a free starter member and you will receive a free Site domain, one free WordPress theme, one free website install, and a website builder right on their platform, step by step training on how to build your niche website.

So step three once you sign up to wealthy affiliate you will go to build your website you put your domain name in, you click on your theme they provide you with free, then you click build website and in 30 seconds your website is built and up and running live hosting to the world and did I mention your hosting, site security and speed is also free.

Step four start your business promoting your products you will be selling and start earning income from your very own business for years to come.

I mentioned earlier that you can join as a premium member if you would like more, you can check out the chart below to see what comes with your free starter and premium membership. Just to let you know if you do sign up as a premium member you will receive a couple of bonuses, your first bonus is your first month as premium is discounted at nineteen dollars and your second bonus just for going premium you get me as your private coach.

All you need to do is sign up I left you a link to take you to the signup page and you can also hit the pictures that say free starter membership and it will take you to the sign up page as well. I hope you received information from this article on How To Create A Website Business.

If you have any questions you can read my other articles and you can also leave a comment at the bottom of this page and I will get back with you. I really do hope you start your own website business and your dreams.

Thank You,

Dorrie H.


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