Online Keyword Ranking Checker

Hello everyone, today we are going to be talking about an Online Keyword Ranking Checker and why it is a useful tool to use for your online business and why it is important to check your keywords and have them rank in the search engines.

There’s a few ways that can help your business website to get ranked in the search engines and you will want to finish this article to the end to find out.

Let’s start off with the number one way to get ranked in the search engines Google being the number one search engine than Bing and Yahoo.

Without having to spend one cent on traffic or ads this is the most effective way to bring organic (free) traffic to your business website and than you will start to be recognized as an authoritative website and get your articles Indexed in the search engines and get ranked in the search engines.

What Is SEO

SEO, Search Engine Optimization is the number one way to bring visitors to your website for free. There are tools out there that can help you to achieve these rankings. SEO, is what people type in the search engines to find what they are looking for.

SEO is the process of bringing a lot of visitors to your website ensuring your website appears high on the list of search results by the search engines.

Tips On Ranking Your Content

The key to bringing more traffic lies in content with (SEO) and social media marketing. Use these tips on SEO. Make a list of keywords, optimize for on page SEO, Create your content different or better than your competitors, add a hook, and a (CTA) call to action, make sure to build links to your content and analyze the search engines first page.

Use all of these tips in creating your content and your website will start ranking high in the search engines. A lot of people ask is SEO important and the answer to that is yes definitely it is one of the most important.

There is a few things you will definitely want to avoid or the search engines will penalize you for them if you do it. Do not Keyword stuff. What I mean is start your article with the title of course, the title being your keywords.

Then explain what your article is going to be about. Next use your keywords once in the first paragraph so like within the first 90 to 160 words. Last write your article around your keywords and make sure your article is 1000 plus words and you are done.

Do Not Keyword Stuff

You will not need to use your keywords more than that, if you do that’s when the search engines will penalize you for keyword stuffing and than it will be harder for you to rank. The best way is organic free traffic.

Now let’s get into the tools you can use to check your rank and how you can use these tools to rank. I’m going to tell you about one of the best ranking checker tools out there.

Jaaxy Research Tool

It is called Jaaxy Research Tool, this tool can help you in so many ways. Here is a list of everything Jaaxy has to offer you to use and I will explain to you what there for and than all you need to do is sign up and start using your tool to help you start ranking high in the search engines.

Site Rank- Monitors your website authority and tracks historical rankings.

My Keywords List- Manage and Create powerful keyword lists, this will save all your keywords you are searching for and want to save.

Search Analysis- Discover SEO trends and analyze your competition, this will keep you a head of your competitors.

Alphabet Soup- Uncover millions of keywords and niches with this feature.

Brainstorm HQ- Find popular, trending and awesome idea’s with this feature.

Affiliate Programs- Find and Search relevant affiliate programs to join.

Click Here For My Review On Jaaxy

Niche Keywords List- this is only for premium membership at wealthy affiliate and if you sign up to wealthy affiliate you get Jaaxy lite right on the platform to use. For 49.00 dollars a month plus training and hosting, plus 10 websites and website builder and a lot more with a premium membership.

Jaaxy offers you 30 free searches there is know software to download you can checkout my review on Jaaxy this tool is for everyone to new users or experienced business owners. This tool will keep you a head of your competition and keep you there.

Jaaxy lets you know in seconds what your keywords will bring you in monthly organic traffic if you rank on the first pages of the search engines, it tells you if your keyword is great to use and rank, it lets you know the average monthly traffic, SEO number you want this number to be 80 and above, QSR you want this number as low as possible it tells you how many other sites are using this keyword.

This tool also helps you to find great domain names and lets you know if the are available.

This is the best tool out there and this is going to help you rank in the search engines and bring organic traffic to your business and website. The more traffic you bring means more sales and the more sales you get the more money you earn.

If you’re an affiliate marketer it means more commissions for you and if you’re an entrepreneur selling your own products that means more money for you to earn and this is what you’re striving for being a business owner.

This will help you to monetize your website. This tool is the super power of SEO. So if you want to stay ahead of your competition and have your site ranking in no time than this is the tool for you.

Your content will be ranking on the first page of the search engines bringing you organic traffic and again the more traffic the more sales the more income you earn.

Sign up to Jaaxy and you get your thirty free searches try it out I know you will love it and find it very useful. There is so much that you can accomplish and achieve with this powerful research tool. You have everything you need to beat out your competitors with this tool.

Go check out my review on Jaaxy and I thank you for reading my article online keyword rank checker if you have any questions or comments please leave them at the bottom of this article and I will get back with you.

Thank You,

Dorrie H.

Until Next Time


6 Replies to “Online Keyword Ranking Checker”

  1. Wow! So much details you have shared here and I must say that as a newbiez I have leanrt more than enough. Having the full knowledge about seo can really be the difference in the long run for anyone. I value the post shared here and the fact that you elaborated better on getting into seo and the way to employ the use of jaaxy tool to help us get to know better how the site is doing on the overall

  2. I am a newbie blogger trying to rank my articles to the first page of the Google, Bing and Yahoo. Frustration was about to hit me when suddenly your post came into my attention. Your suggestions make sense and I will definitely try them. I like your tips on ranking content especially writing something different from the competitors and adding a hook. I will try them out today as I write my new articles. Your site is awesome.

  3. First of all I want to start my comment giving you a huge thank you. As I read your post I all of a sudden started to understand how the online world works. I’m so grateful I found your site and that you have taken time to write posts in a very simple way I can understand. And what I appreciate most is your honesty. I don’t know if it has been your experience but the internet is full of scams. And finding something that is honest and accurate is such a nice feeling. Thank you again.

    1. Thank You and I’m so happy that you found information in my article to help you and yes I have been scammed before and it is a terrible feeling and honesty is my number one priority to help others out so they don’t get scammed thank you very much for your kind words 

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